Embryo :: Royal Society comment on Government response to Draft Human Embryos Bill

Following the publication of the Government’s response to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Draft Human Tissue and Embryos Bill, Martin Rees, President of the Royal Society, said:

“We welcome the indication that the Human Embryos Bill intends to drop the merger of the HTA and HFEA to form RATE.

“We infer from the Government’s indication of the contents of the forthcoming Bill that several sound decisions have been made. It is heartening that the weight of evidence provided by the scientific community seems to have influenced the contents.

“The Government does not suggest that the Bill will allow all types of interspecies embryos to be regulated under the control of the HFEA, as the Royal Society and other organisations had hoped. However a compromise to permit the four named types of interspecies embryo under regulation is a positive outcome certainly compared to the proposals twelve months ago that all types of interspecies embryo were to be banned. The Bill in its current form will now permit this research under regulation, even the creation of true-hybrids.

“Of course the safeguards which underpin this research, and prevent interspecies embryos developing beyond 14 days or being implanted and grown to term, will remain.

“The science community should look on this outcome as a success the true potential of this valuable research has shone though. We look forward to seeing the contents of the final Bill.”

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