With nearly 21 million Americans today suffering from diabetes and as many as 6.2 million unaware that they have the disease, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) launched a new multi-media national health education campaign on diabetes awareness.
?Diabetes is taking a terrible toll on patients and their families,? said Billy Tauzin, president and CEO of PhRMA ? citing data from the American Diabetes Association. ?As many as seven percent of all Americans suffer from diabetes and millions don?t know they have the disease. Because early diagnosis can improve treatment outcomes, it is clear that education is important for patients. Knowledge and early action can often help turn diabetes into a more manageable disease.?
PhRMA?s new public service campaign will stress the importance of patients consulting with their healthcare providers. It will also promote helpful websites where they can find answers about prevention and the latest advances in treatments. The new campaign, supported by national newspaper and television ads in addition to new web-based materials and radio segments, will provide vital information in central, easy-to-find locations.
Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in America. But, because so many are unaware that they have the disease, diabetes is often underreported as a cause of death. About 65 percent of deaths among people suffering from diabetes are attributed to heart disease and stroke according to the American Diabetes Association. Proper treatment of diabetes can prevent many cardiovascular complications. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to multiple, severe consequences such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, amputations, nerve damage, foot and skin complications as well as death.
The cost of diabetes for patients and America?s health care system are enormous. The American Diabetes Association reports that it annually costs over $132 billion to treat diabetes and its consequences — one of every 10 health care dollars spent in the United States.
Fortunately, advances in a number of prescription medicines offer new treatment solutions for people with diabetes. These medicines can help patients more effectively control their diabetes, preventing severe complications. Additionally, as many as 56 new medicines to treat diabetes are now in clinical trials or under FDA review according to a study by Adis Research and Development Insight.
?The more patients understand about diabetes, its causes and how to treat it, the better partners they will be with their doctors in fighting the disease,? added Tauzin. PhRMA and its member companies want to provide as much information as possible to patients and their loved ones to aid them in making those decisions.