Before starting understanding “Boger’s Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory” (I will call this as BBCR), I would like to say that Boger was a keen student of Boenninghausen, and his translation of rubrics from German edition of Boenninghausen’s Thaerapeutic Pocket Book (TPB) into English language is considered more accurate than that of Allen.
BBCR is an extended and expanded work of TPB, and you know the criticism of TPB does not stand true in case of BBCR as Boger expanded the TPB with other works of Boenninghausen and added modalities in particular chapters also (which was the basic criticsm and downfall of TPB).
Boger was a real user of Boenninghausen’s works especially TPB, and he studied Kent’s Repertory very well. Later he published Additions to Kent’s Repertory also.
Hence, we can consider that BBCR is really ahead of TPB, and Kent’s Repertory (KR) too.