Indian Urban Development Minister Kamal Nath and Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi flag off the train in the presence of Karnataka Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda at the inaugural function in the Bangalore city.
Bangalore metro will open to public from 4 p.m. Thursday. The Metro service will run between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.
Bangalore has taken a step towards solving its most pressing urban infrastructure problem with the launch of the Metro rail service – India’s third such after Kolkata and Delhi.
In the first phase, Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (BMRCL) will run the services on seven-km stretch metro rail from Mahatma Gandhi road to Byyappanahalli from morning to late evening. The service will connect the city centre to the eastern suburbs and will run on elevated tracks.
Residents hope the metro will ease traffic congestion in the city which has become India’s IT hub. Built at a cost of Rs. 6000 crore, at least 20,000 people are expected to use the services each day.
The Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) and Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (BMRCL) are also jointly introducing common day-pass that can be used both in metro and BMTC buses. According to a BMTC release, the Metro Bus Transit Day Pass for commuting in metro and BMTC non-air-conditioned buses is priced at Rs. 70. The Metro Bus Transit Day Pass for commuting in metro and all BMTC services except Vayu Vajra costs Rs. 110, the release said.