Alternative Medicine :: Regulation of Complementary Medicines, South Africa
Contrary to the claims by the Democratic Alliance, the Department of Health is making efforts to regulate complementary medicines.
Contrary to the claims by the Democratic Alliance, the Department of Health is making efforts to regulate complementary medicines.
For the average person, popping vitamin C pills is unlikely to ward off the common cold or shorten its length or severity. Unless you run marathons, you probably won?t get much protection from common colds by taking a daily supplemental dose of vitamin C, according to an updated review of 30 studies.
Unless you run marathons, you probably won?t get much protection from common colds by taking a daily supplemental dose of vitamin C, according to an updated review of 30 studies.
A study published in the July 1 issue of the journal SLEEP finds that large segments of the US population use valerian or melatonin to treat their insomnia.
Patients visiting chiropractors and other holistically-oriented physicianswho serve as primary care physicians (PCPs) have lower utilization costs and higher patient satisfactionlevels than patients treated by conventional medical doctors, according to a study published in the Mayissue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics that tracked data from a uniqueIndependent Physicians Association (IPA) where chiropractors serve as first-contact, primary carephysicians.
North Central Cancer Treatment Group researchers, based at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., have generated preliminary data suggesting that a form of American ginseng provides greater improvements in fatigue and vitality in patients who receive the highest doses tested, compared to lower doses or no treatment.
The Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), today announced a grant to Iowa State University to study botanicals used as ingredients in dietary supplements. A multidisciplinary research team will study Hypericum (St. John?s wort), Prunella (Self-heal), and several types of Echinacea (for example, Purple Coneflower) for their anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.
Johns Hopkins Nursing Spring 2007 explores the wide variety of complementary and alternative nursing and medical therapies used by Hopkins nurses and outlines how the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing is ?building opportunities? for its faculty, students, and staff.
Researchers found that Tai Chi, a traditional Chinese low-impact mind-body exercise, provided significant health benefits for adults suffering from tension headaches.
Summa Health System and Kent State University have received a $545,000 grant from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health to study the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction and progressive muscle relaxation on people with prehypertension.