You exercise more than you know it

Good news for people who constantly fret about not burning enough calories. A new research has revealed that people in fact exercise more than they think.

A survey has suggested that one in four people walks 364 miles each year the equivalent of walking from London to Edinburgh though more worry about finding the time to get fit, according to a BBC report.

A year’s worth of running for the bus, walking the dog or doing the weekly shop burns over 100,000 calories every year, it said.

And one in four people walk for a month each year the equivalent of spending 18 days in a tough aerobics class – good news for the fifth of gym members who never actually attend.

The survey of 1,000 people across the UK was commissioned by bread-makers Nimble, which says its results show it is worth climbing the stairs rather than taking the lift. Housework burns 144 calories an hour, and gardening up to 350.


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