Trichotillomania :: Help for Hair Pullers – Trichotillomania or Tricholomania

Trichotillomania, the irresistible urge to pull out one’s hair, often starts early – the average onset age is 12 to 13 – and is surprisingly widespread. Help for Hair Pullers reviews the latest treatment options and offers effective cognitive-behavioral techniques for controlling this disorder. Web resources are also included.

It is primarily written for adolescents and adults with trich, but many of the information can apply to children. There is one chapter on younger children with trich.

It has lots of worksheets and suggestions and stuff.

The authors have done an excellent job of presenting known data on Trichotillomania in children as well as adults. The analysis is very helpful to parents trying to cope with this compulsive disorder in their children (and grandchildren)without adding to the child’s embarassment or distress. Highly recommended, not as a cure-all, but as a plainly written handbook presenting the problem with a few case studies to enhance understanding and action that can and should be taken. As in all compulsive behavior, the patient, younger or older, must want to help themselves in order to get control of and overcome this problem.

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