Warts :: Homoeopathy and Warts

The warts are non-cancerous skin growths caused by a viral infection in the superior layer of the skin. These viruses are called human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are usually skin-colored and are rough to the touch, but they can be dark, flat and smooth. The appearance of a wart depends on the site where it is growing.

Anemia :: Aplastic Anemia and Homoeopathy

Idiopathic aplastic anemia is a failure of the bone marrow to properly form all types of blood cells. Idiopathic aplastic anemia is a condition that results from injury to the stem cell, a cell that gives rise to other cell types after it divides. Consequently, there is a reduction in all cell types – red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets – with this type of anemia, which is called pancytopenia.

Plague, the black Death and Homoeopathy

The term Plague was applied indiscriminately in the past to all fatal epidemic diseases, but now it has been restricted to an acute, infectious, contagious disease of rodents and humans. This is caused by a short, thick, gram-negative bacillus, Yersinia pestis, formerly known as Pasteurella pestis.

Meningitis :: Homeopathy and Meningitis

Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis may be caused by a physical injury or trauma, a reaction to certain drugs or allergy, or more commonly, infection by certain viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites. This article chiefly focuses on meningitis caused by viral or bacterial infection. Most cases of both viral and bacterial meningitis occur in the first five years of life.