Progress against lung disease attacking women in childbearing years

Researchers are advancing against a rare, deadly lung disease (related to hormones) that no one had even heard of a decade ago. The disease targets only women, striking them down during their childbearing years. It can be triggered by pregnancy, progresses rapidly, and often results in death within 10 years.

Auction :: Carnegie Mellon researchers uncover online auction fraud

Computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University are using data mining techniques to identify perpetrators of fraud among online auction users as well as their otherwise unknown accomplices.The new method analyzes publicly available histories of transactions posted by online auction sites such as eBay and identifies suspicious online behaviors and dubious associations among users.

Smoking :: Exercise helps smokers to quit without side effects

Exercise, jogging and fitness is not only an effective way to control body weight, but it might also help smokers quit their bad habit. According to a new study conducted by researchers at the American College of Physicians, smokers who combine traditional anti-smoking techniques with physical exercise are more likely of never using the drug ever again than those who resort only to nicotine replacements.