Stop wasting money on vitamin and mineral supplements

Stop wasting money on vitamin and mineral supplements

Editorialists responding to three articles on vitamin and mineral supplementation being published in Annals of Internal Medicine urge U.S. adults to stop wasting their money on dietary supplements. The authors … continue reading

Lung Cancer :: New lung cancer guidelines oppose general CT screening

New evidenced-based guidelines from the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) recommend against the use of low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) for the general screening of lung cancer.

Heart Risk :: Guidelines on Women’s Lifetime Heart Risk

Health care professionals should focus on women’s lifetime heart disease risk, not just short-term risk, according to updated American Heart Association guidelines.

Multivitamin :: Teens who take multivitamins have healthier lifestyles

Teenagers who take a daily multivitamin supplement have a healthier diet and lifestyle than those who don’t take vitamins, reports a study in the December Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

Diabetes :: Highlights from the December 2006 Journal of the American Dietetic Association

The December 2006 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association contains articles and research studies you may find of interest. Below is a summary of some of this month’s articles.

HIV :: Confusion and Conflict when it comes to HIV and AIDS

In Canada, HIV was first diagnosed among gay men. Later, hemophiliacs and others with health problems were infected due to tainted blood received through blood transfusions. People infected early on had no treatment available! A new and strange virus was weakening the immune system and causing illness in various ways, (what we now know as opportunistic. infections). That?s all we knew! Those who were infected looked for ways to boost their immune system. Not everyone affected by the disease was dying. Unfortunately, the media wrote only about those who were being ravaged by the disease and dying.