Hemorrhoids :: Piles (Hemorrhoids) cured by LM Potency

Mrs. C.D., 35 years, a housewife of Kanaipur, Hooghly in West Bengal was suffering from bleeding piles since last 10 years. She was previously under treatment of a local homoeopath for at least 4 years, who failed to cure. Only bleeding was subsided. Since last 6 months, problem had seriously aggravated and forced her to go to an allopath for immediate relief, though her family faiths in homoeopathy. The G. P. tried to relieve for a month and then refer to a Surgeon.

Liver Cancer :: Liver Cancer and Homoeopathy

The Liver: Digestive Function of the Liver, Circulatory Function of the Liver, Microscopic Structure of the Liver, Microscopic Structure of the Liver, How Liver Cancer Develops: Carcinogenesis: Initiation, Promotion, Growth of Cancer, How Cancer is Detected, Treatment of Liver Cancer.

Stress :: How mental stress leads to physical ailments

Prolonged stress weakens the immune system, strains the heart, damages memory cells and deposit fats at the waist, says Dr. Bruce McEwen of the neuroendocrinology laboratory, Rockefeller University, and author of a new book, The End of Stress as We Know It.