Further Investigations Into the Botanical Family Approach

Further Investigations Into the Botanical Family Approach

On December 15, in a webinar Drs. Frans Vermeulen Lina Johnston will discuss recently published comprehensive work by them: Plants – Homeopathic and Medical Uses from a Botanical Perspective. This highly acclaimed and long awaited work details over 2000 individual plant remedies classified in 150 botanic families.

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Understanding the Noble Gases

Understanding the Noble Gases

The Noble gases (Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon) are some of the least prescribed homeopathic medicines in the materia medica. Jeremy Sherr has been researching and writing about the Noble Gases since 1993, when he first published his proving of Neon. He will be publishing his first book in a series on these remedies, Helium, in 2012.

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Delhi Homoeopathic Board Election 2012 and Facebook

Delhi Homoeopathic Board Election 2012 and Facebook

When elections are called, politicians and their supporters attempt to influence policy by competing directly for the votes of constituents in what are called campaigns. Supporters for a campaign can be either formally organized or loosely affiliated, and frequently utilize campaign advertising. I believe this is the Facebook which is really hot in this Delhi Board’s election.

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