G8 focus on economic crisis, climate change and food security

G8 focus on economic crisis, climate change and food security

The international economic crisis, climate change and food security were the issues on which the G8 leaders focused in the first day’s proceedings at the L’Aquila Summit. The Group of Eight (G8, and formerly the G6 or Group of Six) is a forum, created by France in 1975, for governments of eight nations of the northern hemisphere: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States; in addition, the European Union is represented within the G8, but cannot host or chair.

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Depression :: Genes linked to suicidal thinking during antidepressant treatment

Specific variations in two genes are linked to suicidal thinking that sometimes occurs in people taking the most commonly prescribed class of antidepressants, according to a large study led by scientists at the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Depending on the particular mix inherited, these versions increased the likelihood of such thoughts from 2- to15-fold, the study found.