Back Pain :: Back pain often over-treated

A study published this week in the prestigious British journal The Lancet, questions the need for expensive and potentially risky treatments commonly used to combat acute low back pain. The Sydney University researchers, led by Mark Hancock from the University of Sydney Back Pain Research Group, followed 240 patients suffering from acute low back pain from their first visit to their GP through to recovery.

Stem Cell :: Jefferson researchers find stem cells in degenerating spinal discs, potential for repair

Orthopedic researchers at Jefferson Medical College have for the first time found stem cells in the intervertebral discs of the human spine, suggesting that such cells might someday be used to help repair degenerating discs and remedy lower back and neck pain.

Back Pain :: New clinical guideline for low back pain

A summary of evidence on the diagnosis and treatment of low-back pain has prompted the American Pain Society (ASP) and the American College of Physicians (ACP) to issue a new treatment guideline. The guideline is based on a thorough analysis of published research conducted by investigators at the Oregon Evidence-Based Practice Center at Oregon Health & Science University.

Acupuncture :: Acupuncture more effective in treating lower back pain

Six months of acupuncture treatment appears to be more effective than conventional therapy in treating low back pain, according to a study in the September 24 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals, although the study suggests that both sham acupuncture and traditional Chinese verum acupuncture appear to be effective in treating low back pain.