Government of India has issued mandatory requirement of a dose of oral polio vaccine (OPV) for resident nationals coming to India from the following polio infected countries: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Cameroon, Syria, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya, regardless of age and previous vaccination status, at least four weeks prior to departure to India.
Also, Indian nationals are required to receive a dose of oral polio vaccine (OPV), regardless of age and previous vaccination status, at least four weeks prior to departure from India to Polio infected countries.
The Indian Missions in these eight countries have been issued advisory to ensure that resident nationals of these polio infected countries carry a polio immunization certificate while applying for grant of visa for entry into India. The certificate is valid for one year. Validity of certificate shall be verified by immigration officials at any port of entry into India from these polio infected countries.
All out bound Indian nationals going to polio infected countries are required to carry a polio immunization certificate.
Immigration officials at the port will check and verify the validity of certificate of vaccination with oral polio vaccine (OPV).
Travelers with valid certificate will be allowed for departure.