Mrs. E. D., age 81, came to me March 20, 1906, with the following history : Her husband had died suddenly January, 1906, and she had been brooding over it ever since. Sad, tearful, restless, sleepless, moaning, sighing, great sorrow and grief, oppression of the chest in cardiac region aggravated by grief and motion.
The stethoscope reveals aortic regurgitation.
Lower legs slightly edematous, sanguine temperament, very lively before, now despondent and indifferent to surroundings.
Ignatia 1 m.
March 24th. oppression of the chest the same as before ; speaks of death ; would like to be with her husband ; gloominess of mind.
Aurum 50 m.
Within a week after taking Aurum the patient became more “sensible and reasonable.”
The oppression of the chest and edema vanished.
Patient is now well and can walk as well as any woman forty years old.
Here we see the similarity between Ignatia and Aurum ; the latter is complementary to the former.
Still Ignatia was not the case remedy.
The unphilosophical mind of Ignatia is not like that of Aurum.
Will the “pathological homeopath” tell us if the remedy and the dose were in conformity with the cellular derangement in the case ? And what changes were there present in her brain cells to cause her to be temporarily insane ? And how much gold is to be found in Aurum 50 m. (R. Del Mas, M. D.)