A Free Camp on Female Diseases is being organized at OVIHAMS Medical Centre on Thursday the 6th of March 2003 between 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm at RL-1, Ganga Ram Vatika, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-18. In this camp Females can consult for their problems like Menstrual Disorders, Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian Cyst, Complaints of Breast, …
White Discharge/Leucorrhoea , Menopausal Complaints, Pregnancy related Recurrent Miscarriages or Abortions complaints, Puberty complaints, Infertility, etc. to the Specialists Homoeopathy and get themselves treated.
Dr.A.K.Gupta Director OVIHAMS announced that Blood Tests etc.& other Investigations required for the registered camp patients would be carried out at concessional charges. For the Registration of camp Contact at 25430368, 25936960.
OVIHAMS (Sh.Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences) is the only one of its kind, which offers the cafeteria choice of treatment from various systems of medicine according to the requirement and suitability of the patients with integrated and holistic approach. OVIHAMS has the honour of being included in the “LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS”. In order to provide the best medical and health care to masses OVIHAMS organizes regular Monthly Medical and Awareness camps on 8th of every month. The best feature of these free camps is that the patients who avail the services of these camps are given special concession in their further treatment, to enable them proper follow-up for curing the disease. As OVIHAMS is committed to provide the best medical and health care. For the needy and poor patients daily Charitable Homoeopathic O.P.D (11am to 1.00 pm) & Special referral O.P.D every Wednesday (11am to 12 Noon) are also functioning. Dr.A.K.Gupta Founder Director of the Institute said that “Patients Welfare Is The Sole Aim” at OVIHAMS.
Co-ordinator OVIHAMS