1. – Inclination to close the eyes, lids seem heavy, even paralysis of upper eyelids.
2. – Paralysis of one side of the face.
3. – Involuntary urination, at night when asleep, when coughing, when sneezing, or blowing the nose.
4. – Hoarseness, worse mornings and evenings, with scraping in the throat.
5. – Cough in paroxysms, causing painful. sore sensation in a streak down along the trachea
6. – Cough with pains In hip, and involuntary discharge of urine.
7. – The laryngeal muscles refuse their service; cannot speak a loud word.
(SEVEN-HUNDRED RED LINE SYMPTOMS from COWPERTHWAITE’S MATERIA MEDICA ; Written by Class of 1897 of Chicago Homoeopathic Medical ; Rewritten by J. W. Hutchison, M. D. of Saginaw, Mich.)