Adapted to person with dark hair and rigid fibre; weakly, psoric, with excessively yellow, sallow complexion ; subject to affections of respiratory and urinary tracts.
Hahnemann’s Tinctura acris sine Kali
Adapted to person with dark hair and rigid fibre; weakly, psoric, with excessively yellow, sallow complexion ; subject to affections of respiratory and urinary tracts.
Children with dark hair and eyes, delicate, sensitive; skin prone to intertrigo during dentition (Lys.), or convulsions with eruption of teeth (Stan.).
Disturbed functional activity of brain and spinal cord, from exhausting disease or severe mental shock, resulting in paralysis.
Rawness or soreness : of scalp, throat, respiratory tract, rectum, anus, urethra, vagina, uterus (as if bruised, Arn.; as if sprained, Rhus).
Melancholy mood; sad, hopeless; from care, grief, sorrow; with weeping, “the least thing makes the child cry.”
Intense sympathy for sufferings of others.
Ailments: from long – lasting grief and sorrow (Phos. ac.): from loss of sleep, night watching (Coc., Ign.); from sudden emotions, fear, fright, joy (Coff., Gels.); from anger or vexation; from suppressed eruptions.
Children slow in learning to walk (Cal. p.).
Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children.
Constipation: frequent, ineffectual desire (Nux); stool passes better when person is standing ; impeded by hemorrhoids; tough and shining, like grease; in children with nocturnal enuresis.
Urine involuntary: when coughing, sneezing blowing the nose (Puls., Squil., Ver.).
Cough: with rawness and soreness in chest, with inability to expectorate, sputa must be swallowed (Arn., Kali c.); relieved by swallow of cold water; on expiration (Acon.); with pain in hips; remaining after pertussis; white expectoration chiefly at night.
Hoarseness, with rawness and aphonia agg. in the morning ( agg. in the evening, Carbo v., Phos.).
At night, unable to get an easy position or lie still a moment (Eup., Rhus).
Must move constantly, but motion does not relieve.
Cannot cover too warmly, but warmth does not amel. .
Faint like sinking of strength; weakness and trembling.
Cicatrices, especially burns, scalds, freshen up, become sore again; old injuries re – open; patients say “they never have been well since that burn.”
Menses: too early; too feeble; only during the day ; ceases on lying down.
Paralysis: of single parts ; vocal organs, tongue, eyelids, face, extremities, bladder; generally of right side ; from exposure to cold wind or draft; after typhoid, typhus or diphtheria; gradually appearing.
Drooping of upper eyelids; cannot keep them open (Caul. Gels., Graph – of both lids, Sep.).
Rheumatic affections, with contraction of the flexors and stiffness of the joints; tension and shortening of muscles (Am. m., Cimex., Guaiac., Nat.).
Warts: large, jagged, often pedunculated; bleeding easily, educing moisture; small, all over the body on eyelids, face; on the nose.
Patient improves for a time, then comes to a “standstill” (Psor., Sulph.).
Relation. Complementary: Carbo veg., Petros.
Incompatible: Phos. Must not be used before or after Phos., always disagrees; the Acid; Coffea.
Compare: Arn., must swallow mucus; Gels., Graph., Sep. in ptosis; hoarseness, Rumex and Carbo v. when agg. changes to evening; Sulph. in chronic aphonia.
Causticum antidotes paralysis from lead poisoning (bad effects of holding type in mouth of compositors), and abuse of Merc. or Sulph. in scabies.
It affects the right side most prominently.
Aggravation. In clear, fine weather ; coming from the air into a warm room (Bry.); cold air, especially draft of cold air; only becoming cold; from getting wet or bathing.
Amelioration. In damp, wet weather ; warm air.