Mr. F., mechanician, aged forty and upwards, consulted me on account of colic having caused him an inguinal hernia, with which he had been afflicted for some years; he had, at the same time, constipation; in other respects, his health was good. He was of middle height, but of strong constitution, ardent temperament, quick and hasty, and a little too much addicted to wine.
I prescribed a dose of Nux vomica, which I repeated ten days afterwards. Mr. F. found himself thereby relieved; his stools became more easy; and I discontinued seeing him.
Some time afterwards, he desired to see me again for the same indisposition, saying that the pain was much greater than on the former occasion. I discovered that the hernia was not supported, and that the truss compressing it was the principal cause of his suffering. I advised him to have recourse to an experienced truss-maker, in order to prevent strangulated hernia, which otherwise he could not fail to have.
My prediction proved true. He word his old truss, during the time that another was being made; and he was suddenly attacked by still more violent pains, which obliged him to keep his bed, and take off the truss. He sent for me again.
I found him suffering much. The hernia had attained a considerable size; the least contact increased the pain; the hernial sac was tender and hot, and it was evident that there was no time to exercise the operation of the taxis. The patient had frequent belchings; no air escaped by the anus; the abdomen was but little sensible; the patient nevertheless experienced gripings from time to time.
I prescribed a globule of Nux vomica. It was eleven o’clock in the morning; and the patient took his medicine immediately. – Two hours afterwards, the pains appeared to be much quieted, that he took a light repast.
This meal was the cause of fresh misfortune: a little afterwards, he had a very visible aggravation; and at eleven o’clock at night, the malady had redoubled, with extreme violence. I went to the patient, and found him a prey to indescribable anxiety. He was sitting by his bedside, with his head down upon the clothes; soon after, he quitted that position; he got up into the bed, and got out again; he them walked about the room with his body bent double: he hiccupped much, he felt desire to vomit: and a quantity of air escaped by the mouth. I was at last able to induce him to remain in bed. His limbs were chill; his face betokened pain: a cold perspiration covered his forehead: his pulse was little perceptible, small and rather frequent. The tumour had nearly doubled in size since the morning; it was painfully sensible, tender, and hot.
I made him take three globules of Nux vomica. – Scarcely had they been swallowed, when a decided action manifested itself. The patient became colder; his agitation redoubled; he could not for an instant, retain the same position; he slid to the foot of the bed, and rolled himself on the floor; he felt as if death were approaching; he took leave of his wife, and of me; he entreated me to give him something to hasten death, and put him out of pain. This scene of affliction lasted for about twenty minutes. I was then able to get the patient again into bed; he found himself better; the tumour was less rigid; the abdominal grippings less severe.
I remained for twenty minutes longer with him, and left a dose of Nux vomica to be taken at three o’clock in the morning, and a dose of Cocculus indicus to be taken at six o’clock, if the first should not produce any result.
The patient was agitated all night, but there was no other crisis than that which I have related. There was a marked action after the administering of the Nux vomica.
The tumour, however, not having altered, I gave the Cocculus at six o’clock. – No phenomenon produced till eleven; the patient was tolerably calm; but he had desires to vomit, and from time to time violent grippings in the belly.
I could not ascribe any effect to the action of Cocculus; and I prescribed three globules of Nux vomica to be taken at noon. At two o’clock, the patient sent for me. I went, and according to the relation of his attendants, it was certain that the Nux vomica had acted powerfully. the patient had become again chill; the perspiration on the face and forehead was cold; the features discomposed; he was again a prey to the most painful anxiety; he foretold his speedy death. I assured him, in a few hours, he would be relieved. After a few instants, he became entirely changed.
His limbs were warm again; the cold sweat had ceased; the tumour had diminished at least one third; I could touch it, and the patient did not complain. I did not, however, attempt to interfere with it, but left the patient calm and free from alarm. A quarter of an hour after my departure, the intestine returned by its own action, without the patient applying his hand to the tumour; all the symptoms had disappeared.
Twenty-four hours had thus sufficed to cure a malady of the most formidable kind. This fact says more for homoeopathy than all the remarks on it that could be added. A disease the most dangerous, for which every expedient (and its result is very certain) leaves a painful and cruel operation as the only chance to save life, – such a malady is cured by means of an internal agent, establishing health without the tortures and dangers attached to the operation, even were it performed in the happiest manner, by the most experienced surgeon! Has imagination ever cured such diseases?
By Dr. P. F. Curie, M. D.
(Source: Rayaz Jagani)