Health :: Impact of the closure of family planning and sexual health clinics in England

The RCOG is very concerned about the widespread closure of family planning and sexual health clinics in the UK.

The reduction in services is a short-term measure to ease the current financial crises. It is a major concern that any cutbacks could lead to an increase in unplanned pregnancies and worsening rates of sexually transmitted diseases.

Apart from providing essential services to local communities, especially the most needy groups, these specialist clinics are also integral to the training of doctors and nurses in primary and secondary care. A reduction in the number of specialist clinics will result in the reduction of training places for specialist trainees.

It is essential that these closures cease as no contingencies have been put in place. High standards of care and service provision must be maintained if the Government is to meet its commitment to reduce the acknowledged national level of poor sexual health and offer patient choice.

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