Contused Wound – Arnica

Mulhausen, 1833. – One of the first cases which I had occasion to treat, was the following: A young girl, running behind a carriage for her amusement, fell with her head against the footsteps behind, and slit the right upper eyelid. I saw the child half an hour afterwards. I was believed that the eye was destroyed; the contusion was great; the loss of blood, moderate.

Having examined the wound, I found that the eye had been untouched. I re-united the edges of the wound, and applied it to compresses moistened with water containing twenty drops of tincture of Arnica to the ounce. The fomentation was renewed twice in twenty-four hours, and the patient took two globules of the 6th dilution. – To my great astonishment, the swelling, which had already arisen when the child was first brought to me, had disappeared; the ecchymoses was very trifling; no more inflammation had set in than was necessary for the re-union of the wound; and the cure was effected rapidly.

I had afterwards occasion to treat many cases of contused and torn wounds with Arnica ; and I can aver that, up to the present time, I have never seen any success so rapid in the treatment of these kinds of maladies.

By Dr. P. F. Curie, M. D.

(Source: Rayaz Jagani)

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