Cold and Aggravation from Cold

This is covered by the following twenty-six of our forty remedies, either in the first or second degree:

Acon.; ARS.; Bell.; Bry.; CALC. C.; CHINA; Carbo veg.; CAUST.; Coloc.; DULC.; GRAPH.; HEP.; Ipec.; Ign.; Lach.; Lyc.; Merc.; NUX V.; Nat. mur.; Nit. ac.; PHOS.; PHOS. AC.; RHUS; SEP.; Sulph.; SIL.

In using this rubric we must distinguish between coldness which is a lack of vital heat, and an aggravation from cold in various forms, or amelioration from heat. These are two distinct phases. A patient who craves warmth and cannot keep warm is cold, but the particular symptoms may be aggravated from warmth and ameliorated from cold. An example is seen in Phosphorus, which is a very cold patient, but his stomach symptoms are better from cold drinks. When he is sick he craves cold
drinks, which, however, are vomited as soon as they become warm in the
stomach. His head symptoms are also better from cold.

Looking to the particular circumstances under which each of the remedies
are affected by cold, your leaders will be:

Arsenicum, when patient is cold and has general aggravation from
cold, except the headache, which is relieved by cold.

Calcarea carb, has chilliness with aversion to open air and
sensitiveness to cold, damp air, with aggravation of pains from
slightest draft.

China, where there is chilliness with coldness of internal parts.

Causticum, where there is coldness that warmth does not relieve.
The cough, diarrhoea, and rheumatism are worse from cold; paralysis from

Dulcamara, complaints brought on by cold, damp weather and living
in damp places; coryza, cough and neuralgia are worse from cold.

Graphites, predominantly chilly; the coryza bone pains and stomach
are worse from warmth.

Hepar is another chilly patient; extremely sensitive to slight
draft, is worse from cold wind and cold drinks; aggravation from getting
a part cold.

Lycopodium, while a warm remedy, stands high in its particulars,
being aggravated by cold, as its stomach, cough, throat and headache.

Nitric acid, where there is icy coldness and aggravation from
least exposure; soles of feet cold. The coryza and chilblains worse, but
cough is better from cold.

Nux vomica has general chilliness over whole body; sensitive to
open air; aversion to uncovering. Cough and headache made worse.

Phosphorus is very cold, with coldness locally in the cerebellum,
stomach, hands and feet; neuralgia, rheumatism, cough and diarrhoea are
worse from cold, while the stomach and head symptoms are relieved by

Phosphoric acid, where there is sensitiveness to drafts; abdomen
and one side of face cold.

Rhus tox, where there is internal chilliness; aggravation from
cold, wet, open air, drafts, cold drinks and cold east wind.

Silica, where there is general chilliness, always cold; cold

weather, cold water and cold in general aggravate.

If the above do not cover your case, examine the following:

Aconite, is worse from cold, dry winds, complaints from riding in;

makes the coryza, conjuntivitis, toothache, croup, cough and rheumatism

Belladonna, where there is aggravation by going from warm to cold;
aggravation from drafts and cold wind.

Bryonia, where there is chilliness; complaints from cold drinks in
hot weather.

Carbo veg., where there is susceptibility to cold, Cold nose,
knees, etc.

Colocynth, where there is coldness of whole body; aggravation from
cold weather; stomach, coryza, gastritis and rheumatism are worse from
cold; tearing, stinging pain in face from taking cold.

Ipecac has oversensitiveness to both heat and cold; colic from
cold drinks; aggravation in winter.

Ignatia has chill predominating; cold winds and air alike
aggravate; washing hands in cold water aggravates pains; nose, feet, and
legs up to knees are cold.

Lachesis has a coldness over the whole body; limbs and upper lip
cold; throat worse from drafts.

Mercurius, cannot bear cold; extremely sensitive. Coldness in
ears, testicles and lower limbs.

Natrum Mur., icy coldness about the heart; coldness of feet,
joints, back and stomach.

Sepia has coldness over whole body; sensitive to cold, damp air;
the cough, eruptions, toothache and rheumatism are worse from cold.

Sulphur is worse from cold, windy weather; in damp, cold weather;
the throat and the diarrhoea are worse from cold.

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