BMA :: BMA Scotland’s statement on junior doctor recruitment system

Following the recommendations published by the Review Group of Recruitment and Selection for Specialty and GP training, Dr Peter Terry, Chairman of BMA Scotland said: “BMA Scotland has been working closely with the Scottish Executive, Royal Colleges and NHS Education for Scotland to find the best way forward for trainees in Scotland.

Although we support the principles of Modernising Medical Careers, serious concerns regarding the application process have left doctors unconvinced that the system for shortlisting applicants was fair or effective. We therefore hope to find the solution that is fair to all applicants.

“The review group has recognised that solutions may differ across specialties and in different parts of the UK. BMA Scotland’s preferred solution would be for all eligible applicants to be interviewed for all their choices. This proposal seems to have support across Scotland. We recognise the commitment and added workload this would have on consultants and the healthcare team as a whole and we hope that those involved would get behind this for the benefit of our trainees, the service and patients”.

Dr Graeme Eunson, Chairman of the BMA?s Scottish Junior Doctor Committee said: ?The practical solution that would address junior doctors concerns regarding the shortlisting of candidates would be for all eligible applicants to be interviewed for all their choices. This would ensure that all junior doctors have a fair chance of obtaining the training posts they deserve.

“We would urge the whole of the UK to adopt this solution, however, should Scotland take such an approach, candidates applying to both Scotland and to other parts of the UK should not lose their opportunity to also attend additional interviews elswhere”.

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