Endometriosis :: Homeopathic remedies and Endometriosis

Endometriosis :: Homeopathic remedies and Endometriosis

To understand endometriosis let us quickly and briefly revise our knowledge about the anatomy of uterus. Uterus consists of three layers – the outermost peritoneal covering or perimetrium, the middle muscle layer or myometrium, the innermost mucus membrane or endometrium.

Women’s Health :: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding & Homeopathy

The term dysfunctional uterine bleeding is used when there is heavy or irregular vaginal bleeding and where uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are found to be structurally and organically normal on bimanual examination. DUB occurs most commonly at the beginning and at the end of the reproductive years-shortly after the onset of menstrual cycle in an adolescent girl, when the hypothalamic ovarian axis is depressed because of low estrogen output.

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ADHD :: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD

ADHD refers to a group of symptoms which begin in early childhood and continue into adulthood causing difficulty at home, school and at work. It is the most common behavioural disorder of children and teens. Children or adults suffering from ADHD are restless, hyperactive, impatient, impulsive and inattentive. Boys are diagnosed with ADHD more often than girls. We frequently get little ones, moving around in the chamber, touching different things on the table, opening drawers, not listening to their parents or to the doctor, adults of this disorder can not wait for their turn, they are impatient, all the time enquiring, how long they will have to wait, constantly moving in and out of the waiting room.