Homeopathic Medicine :: Thuja – Arbor Vitae

Indicated in the complications or sequelae of gonorrhoea (fig-warts, gonorrhoeal rheumatism and ovaritis, etc.) and the bad effects of vaccination. Used in syphilitic iritis and other complaints resting upon a syphilitic base; gonorrhoea with thin, greenish discharge and scalding during micturition. Has done good work in neuralgic headaches and in neuralgia in other parts (facial, ciliary). Adapted to the so-called hydrogenoid constitution; acts well in stout persons of dark complexion, lymphatic temperament and unhealthy skin.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Sulphur

Indicated in scrofulous conditions, in persons of uncleanly habits, lank and stoop-shouldered, in affections resulting from suppression of an eruption; in those subject to venous congestion and disturbed portal circulation. Characterized by periodicity and relapses. General inertia, aggravation from standing, acridity of the discharges, tendency of the skin to ulcerate from slight injury and, in children, dislike of being washed, are reliable indications. Frequently used in acute diseases when the indicated remedy fails to act, under the belief that it ?clears up? the case or stimulates vital reaction. It holds to chronic diseases a relation similar to that of Aconite to acute affections.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Silicea – Silica

Indicated in conditions due to imperfect assimilation of food and to innutrition. Frequently employed during the development of suppurative processes, over which it has a marked influence, both in preventing suppuration and in controlling excessive pus-formation and its consequences. It is an antipsoric of far-reaching power, and as such often proves of great efficacy in conditions which seem beyond its range of action, as epilepsy. Its chief sphere of usefulness is in suppurative processes, as abscesses, joint-disease, carbuncle; scrofulous affections of the bone, rachitis, Pott?s disease, necrosis, etc.; glandular affections; eczema and eruptions inclined to ulcerate; old, offensive catarrhs; all sorts of abscesses, as tonsilitis and hepatic abscesses; cough of phthisis, with very fetid expectoration; bronchorrhoea, especially of old people.