Older :: Drug-free treatments offer hope for older people in pain

Mind-body therapies, which focus on the interactions between the mind, body and behavior, and the ways in which emotional, mental, social and behavioral factors can affect health, may be of particular benefit to elderly chronic pain sufferers. A new study published in Pain Medicine provides a structured review of eight mind-body interventions for older people, including progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, hypnosis, tai chi and yoga.

Back Pain :: Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation

People with chronic, intractable back pain know exactly what they need ? relief directly where it hurts. Peripheral nerve field stimulation (PNFS), the newest weapon against back pain for people who are finding no relief from conventional treatment, does just that, says Dr. Eugene Lipov, who is Director of Research, Alexian Brothers Hospital Network Pain Program.

Back Pain :: Advice, devices ineffective in preventing worker back pain

Back pain is the number one cause of worker-compensation complaints, second only to the common cold in causing lost workdays. Consequently, employers and regulators have pushed training programs to teach specific lifting methods, and some recommend or require the use of assistive devices such as hoists for hospital workers.

Back Pain :: Surgery is more effective than other treatments for common back problem

When it comes to low back pain, physicians generally advise exhausting nonsurgical options before resorting to surgery. But a new study shows that for degenerative spondylolisthesis with spinal stenosis, surgery provides significantly better results than nonsurgical alternatives.

Fever :: New bacterium discovered related to cause of trench fever

A close cousin of the bacterium that debilitated thousands of World War I soldiers has been isolated at UCSF from a patient who had been on an international vacation. The woman, who has since recovered, suffered from symptoms similar to malaria or typhoid fever, two infections that can occur in returning travelers.

Pain :: Old memory traces in brain may trigger chronic pain

A Northwestern University researcher has found a key source of chronic pain appears to be an old memory trace that essentially gets stuck in the prefrontal cortex, the site of emotion and learning. The researcher has identified a drug that controls persistent nerve pain by targeting the part of the brain that experiences the emotional suffering of pain. The drug is D-Cycloserine, which has been used to treat phobic behavior over the past decade.