Diet :: Enjoy a healthier lifestyle with more fruits and vegetables

Eating a sufficient number of fruits and vegetables just may be the single most effective thing you can do to improve your overall health. The five a day approach to healthy eating may be the single most important strategy you can adopt for a healthier lifestyle.

Health risks associated with unpasteurized juice

The Food and Drug Administration today reminded consumers of the dangers associated with drinking unpasteurized fruit and vegetable juices. This warning follows reports that the New York State Departments’ of Health and Agriculture and Markets, and local health departments in northern New York are investigating a recent foodborne disease outbreak possibly linked to the consumption of unpasteurized apple cider.

Ayurveda :: Eating for Balance – Ayurvedic Guidelines for Good Digestion

In ayurveda, diet and digestion are accorded equal importance in maintaining good health. Just as choosing improper foods for your constitution can lead to imbalances, following improper routines and habits can wreak havoc on your digestion, turning even carefully chosen and prepared foods into ama or toxins in your system rather than ojas, the biochemical essence that supports all aspects of life, health, bliss and longevity.