Stomach cancer :: CA Stomach cured with Homoeopathy – Magnesia carbonicum

V S aged 47 years, male, treated with allopathy in AIIMS and diagnosed after CT scan and biopsy. CECT abdomen- 06-12-2003- Diffuse infiltrating thickening of gastric wall in fundus body. The possibility of gastric adenocarcinoma needs to be ruled out.

Biopsy at AIIMS dated 09-12-2003- Biopsy from growth in the stomach shows features of an adenocarcinoma.

Homoeopathic Consultation dated 13-12-2003 at my nursing home-

Thirst +++
Appetite- nil
Stool- Frothy, green, dysenteric, no smell.
Urine- NAD
Perspiration- Profuse, < Night, < Midnight after
Desire- Spices ++, Cold things +, Salt +++
Aversion- Sweets +
Food Aggravation- Eggs
Sleep- Restless, can lie only on left side
Dreams- Fearful
Thinks he is incurable, no desire to have any sort of treatment
H/O taking tobacco- Rajnigandha
H/O renal calculus passed twice, < Right kidney.
H/O Gastric ulcer
So weak, unable to sustain quarries.


Cundurango Q (Clinical/ Particulars)
5 drops 3 hourly

Magnesia carb 30 (Characteristic stool)
Two hourly

Bismuthum met 6x (Particulars)
Two hourly

Marked improvement.
Appetite returned.
Sense of general well being.
Same treatment continued.

More improvement.
Spasmodic colic and flatulence.

Same treatment continued with a dose of intercurrent Lycopodium 200.

Weight gain of three Kgs.
Marked improvement.
Severe acidity after midnight.
Must sit up and have icy cold water to get relieved.
Same treatment with a dose of Phosphorus 200.

Almost asymptomatic.
Very well and cheerful.
Same Treatment Continued.

15-01- 2004
Almost cured.
Referred to AIIMS for further evaluation as due date for appointment at AIIMS was 17-01-2004

30- 01- 2004
Biopsy done at AIIMS on 17-01-2004
Report- Specimen sent as omental deposit and mesenteric deposit, both show fibro adipose with focal dermic inflammation. No tumor deposit is identified in either of the specimens.

Sweets distribution and same treatment advised for further two months.

The tumorous growth in stomach fundus was deactivated, regressed and converted into fibro adipose deposits which revealed in biopsy.
Complete disappearance of the adenocarcinoma Stomach Body, another miracle of Homoeopathy.
Note- Xerox copies of all the reports sent to by post.

? Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma
Homoeo Cure & Research Centre P. Ltd.
N.H. 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur 244713, Uttaranchal, INDIA
Ph. +91 05947- 274338, 277418, 260327, 275535
Cell. 98370-48594, 9837147000 Fax +91 05947 274338

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