Smoking :: Smoking banned in Speaker’s Lobby

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi banned smoking from the Speaker’s Lobby outside the entrance to the House floor. Pelosi said she was banning smoking from the area to protect the health of the staff, reporters and public who spend time in the lobby.

“The days of smoke-filled rooms in the United States Capitol are over,” Pelosi said. “Medical science has unquestionably established the dangerous effects of secondhand smoke, including an increased risk of cancer and respiratory diseases. I am a firm believer that Congress should lead by example.”

Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. Casual smoking is the act of smoking only occasionally, usually in a social situation or to relieve stress. A smoking habit is a physical addiction to tobacco products. Many health experts now regard habitual smoking as a psychological addiction, too, and one with serious health consequences.

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