Nantucket Diet :: The Nantucket Diet

Move over Atkins, Zone and South Beach, there’s a new diet book on the shelf, The Nantucket Diet. Medford Dr. Sol Jacobs is one of the authors. The Nantucket diet is an alternative to fad dieting that gives the reader the tools they need to regain control of their weight.

Dr. Jacobs said it’s by figuring out what your energy expenditure number is.

“The way the program works is by using something we call energy expenditure which is the number of calories each person burns based on their weight, height, age, gender and activity level. We use that number as a starting point to help people regain control,” Dr. Jacobs said.

While some diets offer rapid weight loss and exclude certain foods that won’t happen on the Nantucket Diet.

You’ll lose about one-half to two pounds a week and no food group is off limits. Dr. Jacobs said that’s a benefit of his program.

“Quick weight loss at the onset is a set up for disappointment. Number one it’s not all fat that you lose, and number two it’s not maintainable because of the dramatic change in diet you have to achieve to get there,” Dr. Jacobs said.

The Nantucket Diet consists of 3 phases:

Phase 1: Termination of weight gain
Phase 2: Weight loss
Phase 3: Weight maintenance

In each phase a scientific formula helps you determine how many calories you need a day to reach your goal.

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