Homeopathic Medicine :: Stramonium – Thorn Apple

Indicated in affections of the nervous system, as suggested by the symptoms. In delirium tremens with terrifying hallucinations; in convulsions from fright and in hysterical convulsions generally; in puerperal mania with lewd imaginings and speech; insanity; scarlet fever with brain symptoms, the eruption being tardy or suppressed; spasmodic asthma; hydrophobia; chorea when the choreic movements involve now one set of muscles, then another.

Face red, hot, bloated; eyes staring and wild.

Delirium with terrifying hallucinations, as of wild beasts chasing him. Loquacious, constantly going from one subject to another; merry delirium; great lewdness and obscenity.

Complains that it is dark in the room and demands light.

Diplopia, sees things a little above and to the left of the original.

Throat feels very dry to him, although in reality moist.

Aversion to liquids; the sight of water or anything suggesting it (mirror) causes spasmodic contraction of the throat and great difficulty of swallowing.

Painlessness of all complaints.

Suppression of urine.

Convulsive action of single muscles or of groups of muscles; without loss of consciousness.

Worse in a dark room; when alone; from trying to swallow; when looking at a bright object as a mirror.

Better when not alone; when the room is lighted brightly; from warmth.

(First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homoeopathic Remedies by H. R. Arndt, M. D. Philadephia. Boericke and Tafel.)

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