Homeopathic Medicine :: Cantharis – Spanish fly

Indicated in inflammation of the urinary and sexual organs; also certain forms of inflammation of the throat and (lower) bowel.

Furious delirium, with rage, crying, howling, barking, and intense sexual excitement.

Extreme difficulty of swallowing.

Throat feels as though on fire, especially the back of the throat.

Aphthous ulcers in (posterior) throat, especially right tonsil, covered with white adherent crust.

Spasmodic constriction of the larynx, excited by touching it.

Burning thirst, with aversion to all fluids.

Burning in stomach and oesophagus, with burning thirst, violent retching and vomiting of blood-streaked mucus.

Dysenteric stools, with mucus, like scrapings of the intestines; bloody; with shivering and tenesmus after stool.

Intestinal symptoms accompanied with pain in perinaeum which seems to start from neck of the bladder.

Constant desire to urinate, drop by drop, or passing little at a time, with cutting, burning pain in urethra; vesical tenesmus during and after urinating.

Urine bloody, turbid; cloudy; like mealy water, with white sediment.

Urine jelly-like; shreddy.

Burning pains in every part of the body.

Sleep disturbed on account of the constant urging to urinate.

Internal burning, with external coldness and pale face.

(First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homoeopathic Remedies by H. R. Arndt, M. D. Philadephia. Boericke and Tafel.)

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