Homeopathic Medicine :: Baptisia Tinctoria – Wild Indigo

Indicated in continuous fevers, etc., with depraved state of the blood, excessive prostration and marked muscular soreness; in diphtheria with severe constitutional symptoms.

Face cachetic, besotted, dirty; breath putrid.

Tongue coated yellowish-brown; dry in the center; edges red; cracked, sore; sordes.

Drowsy; goes to sleep before finishing a sentence.

Brain feels sore.

Pulse compressible.

Foulness of excretions.

Tenderness and soreness of the parts on which he is lying.

Wandering, muttering delirium; cannot go to sleep because she thinks parts of her body are scattered and she must put the pieces together.

Utter indifference.

Livid spots over the limbs and body.

Stools diarrhoeic, foul, dark, bloody.

Chill about 11 o?clock a. m.

Throat foul, ulcerated, as though it must be very painful; but the patient scarcely complains of it.

(First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homoeopathic Remedies by H. R. Arndt, M. D. Philadephia. Boericke and Tafel.)

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