Homeopathic Medicine :: ARNICA

1. – The head Alone or face alone, hot, the body cool.

2. – Stitches in chest left side, worse from a dry cough, worse from motion, better from external pressure.

3. – Uneasiness in the painful parts, has to change position frequently, every place seems to be too hard.

4. – All parts on which he lies ache as if sore.

5. – Bad effects from mechanical injuries, falls, bruises and contusions.

6. – Eructations tasting like rotten eggs.

7. – Typhoid fever with greatest indifference, stupor, falls asleep while answering questions, putrid breath, red spots like suggillations on the body.


(SEVEN-HUNDRED RED LINE SYMPTOMS from COWPERTHWAITE’S MATERIA MEDICA ; Written by Class of 1897 of Chicago Homoeopathic Medical ; Rewritten by J. W. Hutchison, M. D. of Saginaw, Mich.)

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