Food Allergies :: Cure for food allergies

An allergy is the name given to any abnormal reaction a person has to something otherwise harmless that is eaten, inhaled, or touched. A real allergy is a problem involving the immune system, generally brought on by a substance known as IgE (antibody). Milk, dust, and cats often trigger allergic reactions in some people. The more common signs of an allergic reaction include hives, (itchy raised, red spots), a runny or stuffy nose, and/or red hot cheeks.

An allergy is the most common disease of infants and children. Allergic reactions to foods cause the most trouble for children under one year of age.

A reaction can be triggered by eating the food, or in some cases, by touching or smelling it. Milk, eggs, peanuts, soy, fish, tropical fruits, and wheat are the most common of food allergies in children.

If a child has any of the symptoms listed below, for more than a few weeks, or if they keep clearing up and coming back, a food allergy could be the cause.

A Pediatric Allergist will be able to make this determination.

There is no cure for food allergies and avoidance is best the recourse. Children can outgrow many food allergies, but those reactions to peanuts, nuts, fish, and shellfish tend to persist.

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