Cancer :: Homoeopathy and Cancer

Let us look at the word CANCER, a name generally known as a dreaded and widely spread disease of modern times. Today we have most advanced and sophisticated means to identify and classify the disease. But when such means were not came into being even then the disease name CANCER was used. During those times perhaps this name was used for the tumors/ulcers, benign or malignant.

According to the dictionary the word CANCER is used for an abnormal growth of cells or an evil or dangerous disease that spread quickly. Today CANCER means any malignant tumor, including “Carcinoma” and “Sarcoma”, which arises from the abnormal and uncontrolled division of cells that then invade and destroy the surrounding tissues. Spread of Cancer cells (metastasis) may occur via blood stream or the lymphatic channels across body cavities such as pleural or peritoneal spaces, thus setting secondary tumors at sites distant from the original tumors.

According to homoeopathic thought the root cause is sycosis complicated with the other miasms and when sycosis is combined with syphilis most malignant CANCERS may occur.

The homoeopathic approach is not based upon pathological or clinical findings but on the personalities of diseases and drugs, which makes the homoeopathy a unique art of CURE. Since the time of Great Hahnemann the Homoeopathic Materia Medica was constructed on the basis of the personalities, which have become facts and are being used to CURE the disease personalities, which are also facts, related by the sufferers.

Dr. J. T. Kent, the great teacher says that even in very advanced and hopeless cases proper homoeopathic management reduces the sufferings and prolongs the life of the patient. This fact has proved itself in many cases. Especially in a number of well established and advanced cases of malignancies in my practice.

The CANCER cases generally come to the homoeopathic physicians at the stage of hopelessness, after trying all other modes of modern treatment. Such patients in general become incurable due to extensive damage to the tissues and the vitality of the patient.

Hereunder I shall relate a couple of cases from my case records in brief to show the efficacy of the homoeopathic management – on the basis of personalities- termed as symptom totality. I am giving these cases in short because of space restrictions.

CASE1- Multiple Myeloma

Mr. S.. Aged 60. The Appendix I is sufficient to show the past history of the case.
When I was called to see the patient on 12-01-89, I found the patient in great pain and unable to move in the bed. The pain was located in left upper thigh, which was hypersensitive and discolored to dark bluish black color. The patient was in agony for the past one week. The present episode of pain started in October 1988. The trouble gradually went on increasing, though the patient tried Ayurvedic and homoeopathic treatment. The pain < to such an extent that the patient became confined to bed.
On 14-01-89 X-ray revealed pathological fracture in the upper left femur. (X-ray report not available- see Xerox of X-ray films on different dates-Appendix II).
On 16-01-89 traction and plaster cast was applied. Under my homoeopathic care the agony started decreasing from very first day.
On 27-02-89 the orthopedic surgeon examined the patient and expressed satisfaction about the progress in fracture.
On 13-03-89 the patient was taken to Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi where further Radiotherapy was denied, because of the heavy doses given to him during previous episodes of the disease. The plaster cast and the traction were removed. The orthopaedician at Safdarjang Hospital opined that the improvement in the fracture was false, and the patient would never be able to walk (as informed by the patient’s wife). Chemotherapy was advised of which he took only three courses from March 89 onwards. Apart from these the patient had not taken any allopathic medication since October 88.
Under homoeopathic care the patient went on improving. After four months in bed he started sitting up. On 25-04-89 he started moving from bed to a revolving chair and thus out of the room.
>From 22-05-89 started standing up with the help of support.
>From 22-06-89 he became able to walk a few steps with the help of crutches.
>From 24-08-89 he abandoned the crutches and started walking with the help of a stick only.
(Photographs of the patient on different dates showing progress -see Appendix III).
By 19-09-89 he was so improved that he started to go on a walk for more than one kilometer regularly.
In his family history his mother died of liver cancer.
Medicines given:
During agony period- Mag. Phos. 10 M, Aurum Met. 200, Belladonna 200 singly at different times.
Afterwards, main remedies given frequently which helped in healing the fracture
Symphytum 30
Angustura Vera 30
And occasionally, intercurrently as demanded by symptoms
Ruta G. 30,200,1M.
Silicea 200, 1M, 10M
Staphysagria 200, 1M.
The co-operation of the patient had been a positive aspect in this case till the end of September 89:
(i) The patient possessed a strong will power to live.
(ii) The patient had been on strictly controlled regimen. Since April 1984 he had been on boiled vegetables and lately raw vegetables and fruits. He had abandoned cereals totally.
(iii) He had been taking the following herbs regularly since long time: Ashwagandha. Nagarmotha, Mulaythi and Jyotishmati Oil mixed with honey and milk.
But towards the end of September 89. He, without taking my advice did Suryasnan (sunbathe) sitting in the Sun from Sunrise to Sunset daily for a week and then one day walked on a rough broken and steep path whence got his back sprained, after this he had severe pain in his lumbar region with paralysis in the lower part of the body, from this he could not recover and died after four months after the accident.


Mr. R. C…Aged 68 years
I was called to see the patient on 15-02-90 with following symptoms:
. Severe jaundice – eyes and skin of whole body deep yellow
. General dropsy
. Urine deep yellow and scanty
. Tongue swollen and deeply fissured
. Abdomen greatly distended with ascites
. Hands and feet dropsical
. Stool hard, white
. Cough paroxysmal, frequent bouts with much mucus expectoration
. Expectoration difficult, ropy mucus
. Frequent bouts of retching and vomiting with cough, vomiting of mucus, sour tasting
. Sensation in throat as if something were sticking there
. Great restlessness < evening and night
Clinical diagnosis was- Surgical Obstructive Jaundice, cause Cancer in Gallbladder with secondaries in liver. Diagnosed AIIMS New Delhi, case summaries attached-Appendix IV and V.
. Serum Bilirubin on 12-01-90 was 15.8 mg/dl.
. Serum Bilirubin on 02-02-90 was 19.5 mg/dl.
Prognosis was very bad and the patient was sent back without any treatment. Only painkillers were prescribed. The wife and the son of the patient were advised to be ready to face the sufferings of the patient, as painkillers may not relieve him.
On the basis of symptoms stated above Hydrastis Canadensis 200 was prescribed which gave prompt relief to the patient. Later Lycopodium 200 was also given.
From 06-03-90 he often had nightly vomiting of very foul odor.
On 08-03-90 Serum Bilirubin was got examined which had came down to 6.7 mg/dl.
It is a known fact that as a consequence after prolonged illness and copious discharges many new and troublesome reflex symptoms come up. So, at such a stage some supportive measures become necessary. In the case in hand the patient had become very weak and as such, on 09-03-90 I advised his wife to get the patient transfused some glucose and even blood. In this regard I had consultation with a medical officer of local hospital, but my advice was not complied with.
The patient remained under my care till 22-03-90, but by that time due to much loss of fluids, the general condition of the patient much deteriorated. And at this stage he was shifted to the hospital in the night of 22-03-90, where glucose and blood was transfused. Alas, this aid reached him too late and he passed away on 23-03-90.
But, under the homoeopathic care the patient improved a lot in all respects. Moreover, he did not suffer as was predicted. Therefore after he passed away his and son (40years old) came to my office to show their gratitude to homoeopathy.


Now, I will relate a very recent case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Appendix VII) of mouth. The patient is a 73 years old person, who consulted me on 15-04-98. He is an advanced inoperable case (stage IV) of cancer (Appendix VIII). As usual he came to try homoeopathy after everything possible has been done for him. At this stage and age it can not expected or claimed that he will be cured, but, it is expected in all probability, through homoeopathic management his suffrages will become milder so long he lives.
. About one and half years ago he had a blister like eruption inside left cheek, with irritation. Followed by difficulty in opening mouth to full extent.
. Gradually the trouble <.
. Perforating ulcers formed causing deep cavities, one about ? of an inch deep at left Arcus palatoglosus, and two holes on palatum durum one large in the middle and one small near upper dental arc, with obstruction in left ear and stoppage of left nostril.
. Ropy saliva.
. Previously used to feel severe pain but now the pain is less- stitching and distressing.
. Swelling inside left cheek and bluish brown discoloration on left side of face and ear.
. Could take liquids only in nourishment.
. Sleeplessness due to pain.
Rx Kali Bichromicum 30 TDS gave prompt relief. Later Kali Bichromicum 200 at long interval is being given.
The patient started feeling cheerful, became able to take semi liquid food like porridge, khichri, etc. in his nourishment. Pains much abated during the past month.
Now it is to be seen to what extent he gets relief and how long he survives with fewer sufferings.
In the end I will again stress that the cancer patients come to try homoeopathy generally at quite advance stage of the disease, yet, homoeopathic management reduce their sufferings to a great extent and in majority of cases such patients pass away peacefully in the end.
I am enclosing hereunder-approximate statistics of various cases of different kinds of Cancers and Tumors
I met with in my practice. All of these are not essentially cancer in strict sense. Apart from the cases mentioned in the following table numerous other cases are being added in my day to day practice –

Sl. No. NAME No. of cases REMARKS
1 Squamous Papilloma 5 1-Cured
3-Palliated till peaceful death
1-In hand, improving
2 Multiple Myeloma 1 Relieved, lived for one year
3 Cancer of gall bladder with secondaries in liver (last stage) 1 Relieved and died
4 Cancer of breast 1 Improved and then operated (no secondaries even after 8 years)
5 Adeno-carcinoma rectum 1 Palliated
6 Ovarian cancer (70 years old lady) 1 Palliated
7 Glioblastoma
(post operative relapse) 2 1 Cured
1 Palliated
8 Fibroid uteri 10 4 Cured
4 Improved
2 Improving
9 Basal cell carcinoma 1 Cured
10 Osteomyelitis humerus 1 Cured
11 Cancer mouth 4 4 Died after palliation being of advanced stage
12 Hoarseness of voice (suspected malignancy) 1 Cured
13 Meningioma (l. parietal lobe, parasaggital) 1 Cured
14 Neurofibroma 1 Cured
15 Lumps in breast 25 13 Cured
6 Improved
6 Improving
16 Myoma (not cancer) Numerous Most dissolved
2 Cured after bursting
17 Lipoma 3 1 Cured
1 Improved
1 Did not Continue
18 Sebaceous Cyst 1 Cured
19 Lump in Gall Bladder with severe palpitation 1 Cured
20 Lymphangioma 1 Cured
21 Benign tumors Numerous Most of them dissolved
22 Chronic laryngitis (nodules on Vocal Cord) I Cured
23 Induration of glands Many Most of the cases cured

“Doon Ratna” Dr. S. K. MAMGAIN Gold Medalist
218 D.L. ROAD, DEHRA DUN – 248 001

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