Neuropathy :: Guillain Barre Syndrome – inflammation of peripheral nerves

Guillain-Barre Syndrome – GBS is inflammation of nerves caused by patient?s body producing antibodies against peripheral nerves. The course of the disease is different in different individuals. The syndrome is usually seen after infection of lungs, vaccination, childbirth or post-viral infections as by EBV, CMV or Herpes virus.

Paralysis :: Paralysis – loss of sleep & anxiety – Cocculus indicus

I remember a case of paralysis of the lower extremities that was prescribed for by a very careful homeopathic physician many years ago. It was one of the things that surprised me in the early days of my prescribing and observation. It was the case of a little girl with paralysis of lower extremities after diphtheria and no hope was given.

Medical use of Leeches

Medicinal leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) are blood-sucking aquatic animals that live in fresh water. After thousands of years of use as an alternative treatment to blood-letting (an antiquated and abandoned practice of draining blood to cure diseases) and amputation, the FDA approved the commercial marketing of leeches for medical purposes.

Alternative Medicine :: Guidelines to promote use of alternative medicines

Since traditional, complementary and alternative medicines remain largely unregulated, consumers worldwide need to be informed and given the tools to access appropriate, safe and effective treatment. To help address this issue, the World Health Organization (WHO) today releases a new set of guidelines for national health authorities to develop context specific and reliable information for consumer use of alternative medicines.

Epilepsy :: Dogs may help epileptic child

Epilepsy is an intermittent disorder of the nervous system due presumably to a sudden, excessive, disorderly discharge of cerebral neurons. This discharge results in an almost instantaneous disturbance of sensation, loss of consciousness, convulsive movements, or some combination thereof. A study conducted by Canadian researchers has revealed that dogs can sense when a child is about to have an epileptic fit.