Let us think differently on health

Our Master Hahnemann was one among few outstanding medical men who thought about health in a different manner. He was trained in the traditional way from the famous Medical schools in Leipzig, Vienna, and Erlangen Etc. Soon after he started practice, he understood the barbarity of the medical practice of his time. He could not make compromise with his conscience and thus he had to stop practice. He has not yet been an established practitioner by way of his financial income to support his large family. Still, with a really heavy heart, he took such a hard decision.

Sunstroke or Heatstroke & Homoeopathy

It is also known as Heat stroke or Heat hyperpyrexia. Very often in summers there are news in daily papers about the deaths occuring because of heat stroke. But rarely people think about this cause of death and that what it is? Why it affects and how it affects? And what measures can be taken to prevent it, and what should be done after sunstroke. This all I would like to discuss here. So that all the cases of sunstroke should not prove fatal.

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HIV :: HIV mutations

For the first time, scientists have provided a detailed look at how human antibodies may drive human immunodeficiency virus to mutate and escape detection by the immune system.

Asthma :: Homeopathy and Asthma

I can confidently say homeopathy helps asthma. Even when used alongside conventional medicine, homeopathy strengthens the immune system, allowing the person to slowly reduce medication. Please note that medication should only be reduced under the approval of a doctor, and it is dangerous to stop steroid medication suddenly as this can adversely affect the adrenal glands. I will use a case history to show how homeopathy helped Ms. X, a woman in her late thirties, who was on a very long list of asthma drugs. Often people with asthma, hay fever, allergies and eczema come from an atopic family, meaning several members of the family will suffer the same complaints. In Ms. X?s family, her mother had asthma and hay fever; as did her grandmother, and her sister plus her children all had eczema.

Chronic Fatigue :: Homeopathy and Chronic Fatigue

One of the effects of modern life is TATT- tired all the time. I see it often in my practise and it creeps up on the person without warning, until of course, they are chronically tired. There are several names for this condition: myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), postviral fatigue syndrome (PVS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). These names all refer to a complex array of symptoms, which may mimic other illnesses, but where no medical cause has been found.

Infertility :: Success for Infertility in Malaysia

Since 1977 till 2003 we have successfully treated more than 3,000 couples of Infertility In Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and other countries.
We found out that Homeopathy Treatment of Infertility is one of the most celeberated success in our career as homeopath. See our web –

Thank you
Prof Dr Nik Omar
DHMS (Lahore), BHMS (Kel)., FFHom (Malaysia)